Tuesday, August 12, 2008

catch up

have been busy with the death of a friend's father. -
how do you describe the feeling of funeral homes. Why do we call them funeral "homes" interesting point to research-
used to be called funeral parlors-was it because people go and sit around the dead-

can't get my mind wrapped around the fact that school is starting and I'm at the finish line-
have memorized the route to Jacksonville and Mayo clinic but who are we kidding-I'm petrified to go back into that smell of testing, that "we are not sure" , we would like to try this. Medicine always involves the intake of chemicals, cause that is what those pill are, not sugar. I have already lost myself many times over since this all started, what if the MAYO clinic can't help, what if there is no big magic answer, what if bigger and better tests tell me that the signs and symptoms are indicating something far worse is going on. Do you really want to know if the coming days, months, and years might be more wrenching than one thought?
I so rarely even let myself go to darker places.....

1 comment:

Tara said...

I wish that I could give you something to help. I know that I don't want platitudes in times like this. It takes and is taking a lot of strength, courage, and faith to do what you are doing. Going where there is no path to make one for yourself and for others. It's not fair that you have to be the trailblazer, but it is what it is. It's for a purpose for someone. And that isn't reassuring either. That you might be going through this not for yourself but in the bigger plan for someone else. What I do know is that God goes before and with you. And while it is not fair, I believe in you. I have seen you do amazing things in all areas of your life. So as unfair and frightening and uncertain as this time is, you will come out on the other side and will have succeeded because you did it. Courage is doing it even though you're afraid. Love you.