Tuesday, August 26, 2008

J for Jeanie
J for jumped in today and did too much with bleaching the front porch but don't you love that feeling when something has been really dirty and is now spotless
J for jazzed about this weekend with everybody here-have new recipes for all kinds of sweets and pasta dishes-let's here it for big celebrations.
J for just missed Jeopardy while chatting with Carson and Kat on Facebook. Oh, well.
Okay enough of that-what did you think of Michelle Obama's speech-there were moments when it got too "I'm just middle class trash like the rest of you" I don't really care about hearing about someone's roots. Just convince me you will pull us out of this domestic and foreign mire that we are sunk into. One more note-Eddy would have a fit if I went on and on about him. Not that he doesn't have many glowing attributes, he just doesn't think that one gives speeches about them. I really agree with one of my friends that the future of the Democratic party rests with whether Hillary and Bill convince the nation that they would scrub floors in the White House because they support Obama that much. Can Hills swallow her pride? Can she come through with "we were both equally good, now I through my substantial hips in with his bunch?" I think she can come closer than Bill. His ego is a tad harder to mold to fit someone else's glory. We shall see....

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