Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New Day

Where do you find your own fortitude? Somewhere deep inside you because you choose to be strong. Or is being strong in a person's dna strand. Can you be born strong, but environment erode this caveman instinct. Were all cavemen by nature, strong? If you weren't fit, then did you get your head whacked in my a club.? I wonder then about people that we classify by the "she or he is such a rock" My theory is that there are times that the rock has just survived so many clubbings that survival becomes a thread being pulled from ancient ingrained dna. What is survival anymore? It's certainly not hit or be hit, kill or be killed. So survival is dealing with some other danger like stress. Now freewill comes into play. Can you choose what your brain's reaction is to dangerous stress? Do you really have a choise about whether you are take charge, or take prisoners to keep stress at bay.? I feel that some people pull others into the cave so that they can have a place where they have some control. Often parents do this as they age and offspring seem so fit. They find some aspect of the child and pull that thread to say "I still have it and you are not taking my place" Undoubtedly the more strength in the core, the harder it is for that thread to be pulled out and frayed.

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