Monday, June 30, 2008


I think this leaf is my palm. So if someone were reading it they would see many splits and choices. My life line I intend to be long, I was going for a 100 but after reading an article somewhere I've decided on 110. That means that I still have 62 years to live, so I ordered the book, "Quantum Wellness" and I'm giving up meat, animal products, and gluten for a short time. The length of time being dependent upon my will power.
All of this had been recommended by multiple studies and doctors on the web so I need to regenerate my nerve communication. Hasn't been done yet, well, see this lifeline on the leaf above. I'm thinking that I will be the first and there will be one of the major deviations from the straight -line thinking that I've fought against all my life anyway.

Today is one of those clear days in the Ozarks that makes you feel guilty that you live here. The air is like the crispness of a freshly bitten apple and it drips down your face.
The guilt arising because there are so many others in this world wrapped up in their lives in dirty, scary places. Their jobs and such strangling the chance to get somewhere like this like chains around the Mafia's suspect's legs at the bottom of the Hudson. I will not not appreciate the wackiness of being forced to experience this greatness, this life that someone else wants.

more later, just got too hot out on the lounger...and you thought that I was philosphically inclined. No, just sweaty and cooling off on the coop's genius, decided to express.

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